Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May/June 2013 - Christa's Column & MGMA Board Newsletter

According to "Webster's" , the word PRIDE means a feeling or deep pleasure derived from one's own achievements. Pride is also the subject of many fables,parables and biblical quotes. It is one of the seven deadly sins; we are told that Pride cometh before the fall, and various other phrases that depict us as being  shallow and unresponsive to any one else's needs. But let me explain all the wonderful things PRIDE(People-Realizing-Ideas and Dreams Effortlessly), have done for our community.
Let us move ahead to Stonewall and the Sexual Revolution, and the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. There were so many brave and selfless people who fought and cried, prayed and died all that we may enjoy what we have today. We are now standing on their shoulders and asking for Marriage Equality and asking for acceptance no matter what part of the community we assign ourselves to or identify with.  Yes, we are drag queens(female impersonators or illusionists) - and twinks and bears and leather men and so many other incorporations within the LGBT community. So much so - that sometimes we find ourselves at odds with each other in our own tribe. But we are also doctors, lawyers,teachers,mothers and fathers. We can be a very compassionate and loving community, who accepts all walks of life with no judgement. We have accomplished so many amazing things as a people and as individuals all within our community, be it from small towns or a large metropolis.

 I am so proud to be who and what I am (because to me they are one and the same), and I am so proud to be a part of this community with all of its faults and successes. I am proud that my extended gay family accepts and loves me for who I am with all of my successes and failures.

So what exactly are we celebrating during this month of Pride? We are celebrating fierce love, family, joy, community and spirit. We are celebrating each other. Let us be a little kinder to each other, have a little bit more patience with one another, and celebrate all of the wonderful things that we have together. And let's not just do it at a big festival or street party with a parade - but let us do all year around. Let us celebrate what I was told by my grandmother long ago: "We ain't what we should be, we ain't what we're gonna be, but, at least we ain't what we was."

 Have a great month of Pride, stay cool and celebrate our diversity, our strength, our wit and most of all, our LOVE. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Our firt MGM 2014 preliminary, Miss Metropolitan, will be held on July 21 in Kansas City at Sidekicks and it is an open pageant. There is also a tentative date for Miss Springfield set for November 10. I will let you know if that date is earlier or later than scheduled. I am also sending out a letter to current and former promoters about opening their pageants back up. So ladies, keep your eyes and ears open for further details and get those gowns ready. 

Miss Gay Missouri America 2013,

Christa Collins 


It’s been over five years since I have written a newsletter.

I was overly excited when I received the phone call regarding the possibility of me joining the MGM board.  I was unsure if I would be able to contribute the time and effort it would take. Was I worthy of a position like this?  Why NOT me? I thought, “I’m just as good as anyone else."  And now I am so thrilled to be a part of the board for Miss Gay Missouri America. I hope I perform in a fashion more than pleasing to all board members, formers and contestants. It is an honor and a privileged to sit beside these five alumni board members. Thank you all for this wonderful opportunity.

When I first started to compete at MGM I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I did it because I was told to, and after the first year I had a point to prove. Each year it became a harder task for me due to people continuing to give up on me and my dream. I wanted it for myself so badly and I always felt as if I needed to come back harder and stronger each year. Each time was a learning experience for me.  But I felt as though I learned the most when I stepped away from my circle and reached out for help. Being Miss Gay Missouri became my dream and I wasn’t going to stop until I won, no matter how many times it took. After five years, the title became mine; I was more than thrilled. I don’t believe I was ready to be Miss Gay Missouri until that moment. I became grateful of those five years of competition that taught me so much and helped me through my reign. People always said, “You will win when the time is right for you.” I believe that is what happened. And I was able to share one of the happiest nights of my life with my mother, baby sister, close family and friends. I do believe it was worth the wait.

I say all of this so you'll know that - if being Miss Gay Missouri is what your heart desires, don’t give up on your dream. Keep fighting until you reach it. I know that after all the preparation and hard work it hurts to not get what you feel you deserve. But in the end, once you are crowned, it will all be worth it. You will understand why it didn’t happen for you last year, or the year before or however long it takes you.  Just know that when it is your time, all of your MGM sisters will be there to welcome you into the family with open arms.

Christa Collins, MGMA 2013 - I’m so excited to see what you will bring to the family and I can’t wait to work with you personally. You were amazing all weekend and I am so happy for you. I know you will be a true inspiration to all of the girls who are new to the Miss Gay Missouri experience. 

Girls, the preliminaries are beginning to set dates. Please do not wait until the last minute to get your seat on the MGM 2014 bus. Miss Metro will be held July 21, 2013 at Sidekicks Saloon in Kansas City. We have also discussed possible dates for Miss Springfield and Miss Gay Kansas City. Be sure to check the website or our Facebook page for preliminary updates and information on Miss Gay Missouri 2014.

  Ricky McRoy/Sparkle Iman, MGM 2008

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